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Monthly goal

0% (0 GBP / 50 GBP)

Top donators

Name Amount
Gezelius 25 GBP

Recent donators

Name Package Amount Timestamp
Gezelius Jedi Order 25 GBP 2024-08-10 15:09:22

Welcome to Knightfall's Donation Page

This is our community donation store page. Here you can donate for various perks and benefits, or just donate without getting anything in return. 
The donation system operates automatically and utilises third-party software for payment. i.e. PayPal.
None of your information besides your SteamID and transaction number are stored in our database. (We never see your payment details).

If you have any suggestions for donation packages, make sure to submit any suggestions on the discord.

Most of our packages operate on a strike system. Breaking rules can and will lead to a package strike. Get 3 package strikes, and your access will be revoked temporarily. Continuous behaviour will result in permanent removal.

All purchases are final and non-refundable. Very rare exceptions may apply. If you were banned from the community, you will not be compensated.